International claims are very different than how claims were handled in your home country. As the client, you are now responsible for collecting and submitting all medical records, receipts, testing, etc. The insurer requires all of that information in order to evaluate your claim. Below is the checklist, in English and Spanish, of the most commonly required documents. Keep in mind this list is constantly changing based on industry standards. For examples of the documents required please reach out to your broker or
Note that claims are processed on a case-by-case basis, and each insurer has its own policies. Submitting all the documents on this list does not guarantee that additional information will not be requested or that claims will be approved.
For filing general CLAIMS, you will need to collect the following paperwork:
- *** IMPORTANT *** Factura/Invoice. Doctors/hospitals are required by law to provide you with a factura, but you have only 30 days from the date of service to request this document.
- *** Note *** Many providers are requiring the Constancia Fiscal to provide facturas due to recent Mexican tax laws. Be sure to bring it with you to your appointment.
- If you do not have an RFC, you must use this information
- RFC: XAXX010101000
- One of these two CFDI options:
- Uso CFDI: S01-Sin efectos fiscalesde
- Uso CFDI: D01 - Honorarios médicos, dentales y gastos hospitalarios.
- All claims must have proof of payment, ie. credit card slip, “Pagado” stamp, etc.
- Doctor’s medical notes: must clearly state the date of the onset of symptoms in, D/M/Year or M/D/Year format, diagnosis, doctor’s recommendations for, treatments/testing.
For Medication & Labs/Tests {in addition to above}:
- Written prescription for medication, labs/testing.
- Receipts from the pharmacy.
- Results of labs/testing.
- Medical report/note from doctor with date of onset of symptoms and treatment recommendations, ie. “Patient came to see me when symptoms started D/M/YEAR or M/D/YEAR. I am prescribing xxx.” The date must include day, month, year.
*For surgeries, ER visits, & Overnight Admittance {in addition to above}:
- Itemized bill - breakdown cost of every item used during hospitalization.
- Operative report.
- Anesthesiologist’s notes.
- ER notes.
- Admission & Discharge notes.
- All test results.
*Morgan White may require medical history dating back up to 3 years for major claims. Be prepared to provide that information.
Aquí está La Lista de documentos que las aseguradoras globales suelen solicitar para procesar sus reclamos de manera oportuna.
Para presentar RECLAMOS generales, deberá recopilar la siguiente documentación:
- *** IMPORTANTE *** Factura. Los médicos / hospitales están obligados por ley a proporcionarle una factura, pero solo tiene 30 días desde la fecha de servicio para solicitar este documento.
- Muchos proveedores exigen que la Constancia Fiscal proporcione facturas debido a las recientes leyes fiscales mexicanas. Asegúrese de llevarlo con usted a su cita.
- Todas las reclamaciones deben tener comprobante de pago, es decir. comprobante de tarjeta de crédito, sello “Pagado”, etc.
- Notas y registros médicos del médico, deben indicar claramente la fecha de aparición de los síntomas en D / M / Año o M / D / Año, las recomendaciones del médico para, tratamientos/pruebas.
Para medicamentos y laboratorios / pruebas {además de lo anterior}:
- Receta escrita para medicamentos, análisis de laboratorio.
- Recibos de farmacia.
- Resultados de laboratorios / pruebas.
- Informe / nota médica del médico con la fecha de aparición de los síntomas y recomendaciones de tratamiento, es decir. “El paciente vino a verme cuando comenzaron los síntomas D / M / AÑO o M / D / AÑO. Estoy prescribiendo xxx ". La fecha debe incluir día, mes y año.
Para cirugías, visitas a la sala de emergencias y admisión nocturna {además de lo anterior:
- Factura detallada: costo de desglose de cada artículo utilizado durante la hospitalización Informe operativo
- Notas del anestesiólogo
- Notas de ER
- Notas de admisión y alta
- Todos los resultados de las pruebas
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