Process Your Claims & Get Your Reimbursement Quickly
The claims process is done much differently with international insurance than what you may be used to back home. One big difference is that it's the client's responsibility to collect the required documents needed to process and approve a claim, and there are many. The experts at Expat Insurance are here to help guide you through this process.
Redbridge primarily communicates via email in order to have documentation between them, and you, the client. As there is no online portal to submit claims, they are also handled over email. Whether you're filing claims for a precertified medical event, an accident, or a general checkup, you will need to gather and digitize the documents listed below into PDF files in order to submit your claim. Redbridge also requires a claim form to be filled out and sent in with the supporting documents as one file. Contact Expat Insurance for these documents at
If you’re submitting claims for multiple events, it’s recommended that you use a separate claim form for each event to expedite the evaluation process. One claim form can be used for multiple claims within that medical event, eg. x-rays, labs, and medication for an upcoming surgery can be on one form.
Don’t forget to fill out your preferred method of reimbursement on page 2, line item IX Payment Details, to ensure a speedy refund.
Once you have collected all the documents from the list below and filled out the claim form, you will need to combine everything into one document. It’s then time to submit your claim to Redbridge via email to and
In the subject line, add your first and last name, and policy number. In the body of the email be sure to state what medical event the claims are being filed for, ie. wellness benefit, precertified medical event, dermatological prevention, medication, etc.
Within 48 hours you should receive a confirmation email from Redbridge that the claim has been received. If the medical team needs additional information, that request will be made via email. Be sure to "Reply All" to that email with all further information regarding the specific claim(s). As always, you can contact if there are any questions about the requested information.
The turnaround time for processing a claim is up to 30 business days as long as all the necessary documents have been successfully submitted. Once your claim has been processed and approved, our office will receive the EOB (explanation of benefits) to pass along to you. If you will be receiving a reimbursement, you may see that before an EOB is issued.
This is a process that requires a lot of information, and you will likely have questions when filing claims for the first time. Please Contact Us; we are here to assist you.
Claims Documents Checklist
For filing general CLAIMS, you will need to collect the following paperwork from the provider. Request it at the time of your appointment:
- *** IMPORTANT *** Factura. Doctors/hospitals are required by law to provide you with a factura, but you have only 30 days from the date of service to request this document.
- Many providers are requiring the Constancia Fiscal to provide facturas due to recent Mexican tax laws. Be sure to bring it with you to your appointment.
- Recibo with doctor’s name, address, services rendered, date of service, client’s name.
- All claims must have proof of payment, ie. credit card slip, “Pagado” stamp, etc.
- Doctor’s medical notes must clearly state the date of the onset of symptoms in, D/M/Year or M/D/Year format, diagnosis, doctor’s recommendations for, treatments/testing. The medical notes need to be on the doctor’s letterhead.
For Medication & Labs/Tests {in addition to above}:
- Written prescription for medication, labs/testing.
- Receipts from the pharmacy.
- Results of labs/testing.
- Medical report/note from doctor with date of onset of symptoms and treatment recommendations, ie. “Patient came to see me when symptoms started D/M/YEAR or M/D/YEAR. I am prescribing xxx.” The date must include day, month, year.
*For surgeries, ER visits, & Overnight Admittance {in addition to above}:
- Itemized bill - breakdown cost of every item used during hospitalization.
- Operative report.
- Anesthesiologist’s notes.
- ER notes.
- Admission & Discharge notes.
- All test results.
This is a lot of information and we are here to help guide you through the process. Contact Expat Insurance if you have any questions or concerns at or
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